Guide on Writing a Scientific Case Study with Analytical Elements

February 25
Published 6 years ago By Admin

There are two tasks related to dealing with a case study — either you have to create a scientific project and present it, or you have to analyse an existing scientific case study or most probably, several case studies. To make things easy for you, we have combined tips on dealing with these assignments. Bookmark this article, and have it close when you receive another task of writing a scientific case study.

Scientific Case Study Writing Guide

1. Follow Requirements to the Dot

This advice may sound a little too obvious, as most probably you are rather diligent and already attentive when writing case studies and other academic papers. However, lots of students keep making the same mistake — they look for free scientific cases online and try to copy them and adding more relevant information.

Sometimes the result looks rather decent, but the problem is almost every college, or university have their own requirements towards case studies not only in terms of formatting but also in terms of analysis, outlines, etc.

If you don’t want to re-do it all over again in extreme hurry, make sure to read instructions carefully and check on them consistently while writing a professional case study on scientific topics.

2. Set Aside Enough Time for Problem Statement

Usually, people do not see absolutely any difficulties in writing the statement of the problem. 95% of cases are randomly based on the “relevance of the chosen topic”, i.e. consisting a certain amount of water sufficient for observing the ritual of justification of the student’s activities.

It is believed that the problem is indicated already in the very title of the future work. The fact is that we are trying to make our lives easier by making a quiet substitution of the subject of research with the object of research.

An object is what we intend to study (for example, the phenomenon of unemployment or poverty). And the subject is an indication of a special problem that we are going to present, and if you make enough effort, then solve it.

3. Narrow Down and Limit the Object of the Research

Recalling the words of E. Hemingway about fiction, we can make an assumption that the quality of the research project is determined not by what was included, but by what wasn’t included. You should write as much as you can about the limitations.

For example, to say only that we are going to study unemployment, and stop on that — means to make an unfortunate mistake. For we made only the very first indication of the object.

Next, you must enter territorial restrictions, chronological restrictions, etc. Narrow specification of the object is necessary, first of all, because the outsider will finally understand what we are going to explore.

Secondly, the restriction of the object makes our case study look much more realistic. A normal expert assessing the project thinks like this: “If a person has taken into account a lot of restrictions, then he (she) has sufficient understanding of the object and will be able to accomplish the task.”

Analysis of the Scientific Case Study

To determine the components of the scientific effectiveness of project implementation you should consider the following groups of indicators:

  • publications based on the results of the project (number of publications in refereed journals);
  • the impact of project results on the development of fundamental and applied research in the implementation of the project, and other scientific organizations
  • the number of internal and external projects, the type of work on the continuation of the subject in the executing organization and other organizations
  • the type of funding source for continuing research in the implementing organization
  • and other organization);
  • protection of intellectual property.

To characterize innovation efficiency, the following groups of indicators are used:

  • evaluation of the results of the project as a basis for carrying out applied research, aimed at creation of scientific and technical products or services;
  • developments carried out based on the results of the project;
  • the need for research and development in related, non-core areas prior to the creation of scientific and technical products or services.

Based on the topic of the case study there may be more options for analysis — social, demographic, ecological, etc. Approach this part of the assignment creatively, add your own analytical questions and you will come up with a stellar result.

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