Winners Emerge In The On-going Haier Thermocool Step Up Promo with ₦3 Million & Loads of Haier Thermocool Energy Saving Appliances Still Up For Grabs

February 25
Published 6 years ago By Admin

12 winners from 7 regions across the country (84 in total) were randomly selected to win different prizes ranging from tablets, energy saving refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners in the Haier Thermocool Step Up Mid Way Raffle Draw

Our guests and live audience from the event were thrilled to hear the excitement in the voices of our lucky winners as we called to inform them of their winnings. It was also exciting to see the smiles on their faces as they later came to collect their prizes.

Since the promo commenced on the 9th of April, 2018, we promised to give out a
grand prize of 3 million Naira to one lucky winner, special prizes to the second and
third place winners and other amazing prizes to 175 lucky winners across Nigeria.

Exactly as promised, the mid way raffle draw was held on the 15th of May and a total of 84 lucky winners got the chance to Step Up.

It’s not over yet! The Step Up Promo will end on the 16th of June while the final
raffle draw will hold on the 26th of June 2018, giving you plenty time to
participate and stand a chance of winning 3 million Naira and lots of other amazing

How to enter

Simply buy any Haier Thermocool appliance from any participating store on or before June 16th and get a raffle ticket for every twenty thousand Naira (₦20,000) spent purchasing Haier Thermocool or TEC appliances.

The more you spend, the higher your chances of winning!

So, visit a CoolWorld Electricals Retail Store or Thermocool showroom today to buy a Haier Thermocool appliance and get the chance to win all sorts of amazing prizes!

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