Konga 12 Days of Christmas Discounts

February 25
Published 10 years ago By Admin

Konga is offering 12 days of massive discounts on select products at the store. Everyday for 12 days, Konga will have compelling discounts and deals for you. Different offers will be available each day from December 9. Check Today’s Offers.

Konga 12 Days of Christmas 2014

Today, Konga is offering discounts on Vera & Lucy dresses and Police watches. However, as a tech blog, the offer that interests us the most is the Ignis S17 Chest Freezer Click Here, which is a 170 Litre Mini Chest Freezer. Checkout Deals.

Throughout the period there will be lots of great deals on smartphones, tablets, laptops, PS4 games, kitchen appliances, and watches. There will also be a lot of great deals in the fashion category.

Checkout Konga Yakata Deals

You can also visit Konga Christmas Store Click Here to buy everything you need this season.

More on Christmas Shopping Deals

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