DealDay: Best Online Deals Site in Nigeria

February 25
Published 10 years ago By Admin

DealDey is Nigeria’s number one daily deals website where you can find great deals of up to 90% discount on products and services like mobile phones and accessories, Electronics, food, professional courses, spa treatments, fashion, hotel bookings and lots more. If you are looking for the best deals in Nigeria, visit DealDey today and signup.

Finding the Best Deals in Nigeria

The best deals in Nigeria are waiting for you on DealDey. Once you register as a member with a valid email, everyday DealDey will send you an email containing some of the best deals available to you.

You can also visit the site and search through the variuos categories or simply do a search using the search box on the site to discover some of the best deals around.

The beauty of DealDey is that you can limit your deals to your location. Setting the default state to the state you live in will limit available offers to those available to your state so you don’t waste your time pursuing deals you can’t get.

Once you find a sweet deal, DealDey offers lots of payment options from debit cards to mobile money to payment on delivery (for coupons) in select locations. Your order will be delivered to your doorstep in 3 to 7 days after your order or 3 to 7 days after close of preorder or presale.

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Understanding DealDey

DealDey is used by new businesses or established businesses launching new products and services or running promos. They offer deep discounts to attract customers to their business or product or service and DealDey is the best site to offer such mouthwatering deals.

DealDey also ensures a minimum number of customers secure the deal in order to make it worthwhile for the business.

Say a new restaurant just opened, they can sell coupons that offer deep discounts on DealDey to attract their first set of customers, whose word of mouth will bring in more customers.

If you buy the coupon, you can use it to secure the deal at the restaurant. Say, a plate of rice usually costs N2,000 at the restaurant and you buy a coupon for 50% discount for 1,000 Naira on DealDey, you can use the coupon to pay for the food at the restaurant.

So while other customers are paying 2,000 Naira, you will pay 1,000 Naira (using the coupon). Your DealDey coupon will be sent to you via email and SMS if you pay online. You can also pay for coupons on delivery.

On DealDey, you will find unbelievable deals on spa treatments, training, medical tests, events, and other services. You can also buy products directly from DealDey and have them delivered to your doorstep in 3 to 5 days.

So, if you are looking for the best deals in your city, checkout DealDey.

More on Deals

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