5 Important Facts about Air Purifiers

February 25
Published 5 years ago By Admin

Clean air is an essential requirement for good health, but with the quality of air depleting with every passing day, getting clean air to breathe in is becoming a luxury.

The major cities across the globe are often engulfed in a thick blanket of smog making it difficult to breathe. The only respite is in the form of an air purifier, which if you install in your homes, offices and cars makes the air clean and breathable at least indoors.

Here are some important facts about this technological marvel called air purifier.

1. Air Purifiers Have Different Types of Filters

There are different types of filters used in air purifiers, but the best ones make use of HEPA filters, which stand for High-Efficiency Particulate Air.

This particular filter has the potential of eliminating nearly 99.97% of all the common allergens, including pollen, pet dander, mould, spores and dust mites that are normally present in indoor air.

Any manufacturer selling air purifiers under the HEPA label needs to abide by the strict government requirements, which ensure the quality of the product.

2. They Are Beneficial All the Year Round

The pollen particles in the air increase during spring giving a tough time to asthmatic patients. Humid weather helps in the breeding of mould spores, which can cause severe lung infections.

If a lot of construction work is happening in the vicinity of your home or if your house is close to a busy road, the air is concentrated with dust mites, which can trigger allergies like cough, runny nose, irritation to eyes etc.

Construction activities are pretty common in India. Considering all these, air purifier India has become a necessity all the year round.

3. The Size of the Room Is a Crucial Consideration for Air Purifier Efficiency

Air purifiers work based on Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR), which is an indication of the cubic feet of air that gets filtered in a minute.

The size of the room is also important as it affects the Air Change Per Hour (ACH) rate. This is the factor that signifies the number of times a particular air purifier filters the complete volume of air enclosed in a particular space.

Thus, you need to buy an air purifier according to the area of the room else it will impact its effectiveness and functioning.

4. Height of Room Ceiling Is Also an Important Consideration

As the volume of air takes into account the room height too, the ceiling height is also a measure in estimating the CADR.

Thus, two different rooms with exactly the same breadth and length but differing ceiling heights will have diverse needs of cubic feet of air that gets filtered in a minute.

5. Air Purifier Benefits Everyone

It’s not just those who are susceptible to allergies who get benefited from an air purifier. It is good for all people as it removes all the allergens and contaminants present in the indoor air and makes the air clean for breathing.

Besides the normal pet dander, moulds, dirt and dust, the fragrance of spices and curries lingering in indoor air are also removed making the air feel fresh.

These are some of the important facts about air purifiers. The increasing air pollution has made this appliance a necessity, especially in large cities and metros. If you want access to clean and safe air indoors, you should consider buying it.

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